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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez à ces exercices en anglais svp je n’y arrive pas , merci beaucoup :)

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maidez À Ces Exercices En Anglais Svp Je Ny Arrive Pas Merci Beaucoup class=

Sagot :

Je suis pas sure mais bon voila j’ai essayer.

a) Dad sent me a birthday present.

1. A birthday present was sent to me.

2. I was sent a birthday present (by Dad).

b) Patrick told her a secret.

1. A secret was told to her.

2.She was told a secret (by Patrick).

c) The teacher gave him a test.

1.A test was given to him.

2.He was given a test (by the teacher).

d) The actor taught them how to react.

1.they we’re taught how to react

2. they we’re taught how to react (by the actor)

e) My brother and I asked Daniel Graig an autograph.

1. an autograph was asked from him.

2. Daniel Graig was asked for an autograph (by my brother and i)

f) The singer offered us a picture.

1.a picture was offered to us.

2.we were offered a picture (by the singer).


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