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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez s’il vous plaît ?

Complete the sentences in the Past Perfect Simple,
1. We ate cherries from the tree that my grandfather (plant) many years before.

2. When we arrived, the show (start/already).

3. We went to a place where I (be/never) before.

4. The teacher wanted to know whether we (read) the book.

5. Yesterday I met a friend that I (see/not) for ages.

Sagot :


1/ We ate cherries from the tree that my grandfather had planted many years before.

2/ When we arrived, the show had already started.

3/ We went to a place where I had never been before.

4/ The teacher wanted to know whether we had readed the book.

5/ Yesterday I met a friend that I had not seen for ages.

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