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vous pouvez vous m’aider svp.

Mettez les phrases suivantes au style indirect.

a. "Children score better test results in diverse
schools," specialists conclude.
b."My children feel safer in that school than in their
previous one," that mother said.
c. "We are studying the behaviours and the results
of students in 26 schools," Jaana Juvonen and her
colleagues informed us.
d. "Students from minorities feel less lonely in diverse
schools," the study concludes

Sagot :


a. Specialists conclude that children score better test results in diverse schools.

b. That mother said that her children feel safer in that school than in their previous one.

c. Jaana Juvonen and her colleagues informed them that they are studying the behaviours and the results of studients in 26 schools.

d. The study concludes that students from minorities feel less lonely in diverse schools.

En te souhaitant une bonne soirée :)

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