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Bonsoir vous pouvez m'aider pour mon devoir en anglais s'il vous plaît .


1.What was the slaves' personal meaning for "Egypt's Land”?

2.What place would have been considered "the Promised Land" in the slaves' lives?

3.Who do you think was the "Pharaoh" in the slaves' lives?

4. Why do you think Harriet Tubman was given the nickname "Moses of
her people"?


Bonsoir Vous Pouvez Maider Pour Mon Devoir En Anglais Sil Vous Plaît QUESTIONS1What Was The Slaves Personal Meaning For Egypts Land2What Place Would Have Been C class=

Sagot :


1. the slaves personal meaning for Egypt Land is freedom.

2. its is a America been considered the promises Land in the slaves lives.

3. pharaoh meaning is god. beaucause he not want do mistake.

4. beaucause its a Write in a poeme for this we think harriet tubman Was given the nickname.

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