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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour cet exercice d'anglais, À partir de la liste de mots ci-dessous, complète les phrases suivantes.

loudly- carefully - suddenly - badly - late - straight - fluently
a. Stop laughing so ... please !
b. My mother wants me to go ... home after school.
c. He speaks Spanish ... Because his dad is from Madrid.
d. ..., there was a terrible noise.
e. They keep arriving ... at school.
f. Think ... and give the correct answer.
g. His dog barks all day long, he's .. behaved.​

Sagot :

a. Stop laughing so loudly please

b. My mother wants me to go straight home after school

c. He speaks Spanish fluently Because his dad is from Madrid

d. Suddenly there was a terrible noise

e. They keep arriving late at school

f. Think carefully and give the correct answer

g. His dog barks all day long , he ´s badly behaved

Réponse :


a. Stop laughing so loudly please !  

b. My mother wants me to go straight home after school.  

c. He speaks Spanish fluently Because his dad is from Madrid.  

d. Suddenly there was a terrible noise.  

e. They keep arriving late at school


f. Think carefully and give the correct answer.

g. His dog barks all day long , he's badly behaved.

Explications :

Il faut d'abord trouver le sens de la phrase, puis le sens des mots à rajouter et ce sera plus simple de compléter :)

Bonne journée ! ☀✿

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