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vous pourriez m’aider svp?
Les mots en haut: police station - fine-head- weapon-drugs-warning-lawyer-night-arrest-law-phone call.

Vous Pourriez Maider Svp Les Mots En Haut Police Station Finehead Weapondrugswarninglawyernightarrestlawphone Call class=

Sagot :


bonsoir je vais essayer de t aider


are you Carring any illegal drugs

do you carry a weapon

where were you at eight last night

who's you lawer

would you like to make a phone call

you're under arrest

put your hands on your head

I'm taking go to the police station

you'll have to pays a fort this time fine

I'll give you a this time warning

it's against the law

Réponse :

Explications :

a) Questions the police may ask a suspected criminal :

1. Are you carrying any illegal drugs ?

2. Do you carry a weapon ?

3. Where were you at eight last night ?

4. Who's your lawyer ?

5. Would you like to make a phone call ?

b) Sentences the police use to inform someone about laws and police procedures :

1. You're under arrest !

2. Put your hands on your head !

3. I'm taking you to the police station.

4. You'll have to pay a fine for this.

5. I'll give you a warning this time.

6. It's against the law.

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