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salut pouvais vous m'aider svp
Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au présent be-ing stp
a. They (study) ___________________________ at the moment.
b. Right now, she (watch) ___________________________ TV.
c. I think it’s broken. It’s (not/work) ___________________________.
d. I (not/do) ___________________________ my homework right now.
e. What (you/read) ___________________________?
f. Why (Sarah/cry) ___________________________?
merci bcp

Sagot :

a ) they are studying at the moment
b ) Right now , she’s watching TV
c ) i think it’s broke , it’s not working
d ) i am not doing my homework right now
e ) what are you reading ?
f ) why is sarah crying ?

Bonjour, j'espère que c'est bon :

a. They are studying at the moment.

b. Right now, she is watching TV.

c. I think it’s broken. It isn't working.

d. I am not doing my homework right now.

e. What are you reading ?

f. Why is Sarah crying ?

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