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Bonjour j’aurais encore besoin de votre aide pour cette exercice merci. Change the following from passive to active voice.
1. The poem was read aloud by Margaret.
2. The Yankees were beaten by the Tigers in the playoffs.
3. Her personal computer was given to Edith by her parents.
4. The turnoff for Route 287 was finally reached by Carla.
5. Many letters have been sent by me to your office.
6. Kim was invited to a party by Raymund.
7. The truth was suddenly realized by the contestents.
8. The computers were shipped by the Tucson branch on Monday.
9. Projects were judged by the teachers.
10. A brialliant performance was given by the choir.
11. Adam and JoAnne were married by the priest.

Sagot :



Réponse :

Change the following from passive to active voice.

voix passive : be ( conjugué ) + participe passé + complément d'agent introduit par by )

Le complément d'agent de la voix passive devient sujet de la voix active

1. The poem was read aloud by Margaret.

→ Margareth read the poem aloud.

2. The Yankees were beaten by the Tigers in the playoffs.

→ The Tigers beat the Yankees in the playoffs.

3. Her personal computer was given to Edith by her parents.

→ Edith's parents gave her her personal computer

4. The turnoff for Route 287 was finally reached by Carla.

→ Carla finally reached the turnoff for Route 287.

5. Many letters have been sent by me to your office.

( attention ici : présent perfect )

→ I have sent many letters to your office.

6. Kim was invited to a party by Raymund.

→ Raymund invited Kim to a party.

7. The truth was suddenly realized by the contestants.

→ The contestants suddenly realized the truth.

8. The computers were shipped by the Tucson branch on Monday.

→ The Tucson branch shipped the computers on Monday.

9. Projects were judged by the teachers.

→ The teachers judged projects.

10. A brilliant performance was given by the choir.

→ The choir gave a brilliant performance.

11. Adam and Joanne were married by the priest.

→ The priest married Adam and Joanne.

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