
Profitez au maximum de vos questions avec les ressources d'Zoofast.fr. Obtenez des réponses détaillées et bien informées de la part de nos experts prêts à vous aider avec toutes vos questions.

2. Circle the correct words.
1. How often do you scroll up / back up your
2. If you zoom in / sign into, you can see my
house on the map.
3. Will you please turn on / shut down my
computer when you're done with it?
4. Click on / Zoom out that link to see the
photos | posted

help please ​

Sagot :


Hi there !

1. How often do you scroll up your files ?

2. If you zoom in, you can see my house on the map.

3. Will you please shut down my computer when you're done with it ?

4. Click on that link to see the photos.

Hope I helped you ! :))