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bonjour aider moi svp​

Bonjour Aider Moi Svp class=

Sagot :

Matt reads book and comics.
He goes to school on Sunday.
We sometimes play badminton.
Jane collects stickers.
My sister likes football.
He reads (y’a pas le verbe donc je met un verbe au hasard) a magazine every weeks.

Do you like English ? Yes I do.
Does he watch cartoons ? No he doesn’t.
Do they speak French ? No they don’t.
Do we wash our teeth after lunch? Yes we do.
Does she read mistery book? No she doesn’t.

I get up at 7:30am.
I have a shower.
I go to school by car.
I have dinner in my kitchen.
I leave school at 4:30pm.
For breakfast i usually have 2 biscuits with a glass of milk.
I do my homework after school.
I don’t watch tv in the evening.
My favorite tv program is football.
I go to bed at 10:30pm.


Where do you live ?
Does he watch tv on ?
Mary can’t speak German.
He wears a suit to work everyday.
What time do they get up ?

  • reads
  • goes
  • play
  • collects
  • likes
  • reads

2 )

  1. do you like English ? Yes i do like it
  2. does he watch ... ? yes he does
  3. do they speak ...? yes they do
  4. do we wash ....? yes we do
  5. does she read ...? yes she does read them


  1. i get up at 7am
  2. i have a bath
  3. i go school by walking.
  4. i mostly leave school at 4pm
  5. I usually skip breakfast but otherwise i eat fruits
  6. i do my homework in the afternoon
  7. no i don't watch tv at that time
  8. my favorite tv program is Stars
  9. i go to bed at 2am


  1. Does
  2. do
  3. does
  4. do
  5. do
  6. does
  7. do
  8. do
  9. does


  1. where do you live?
  2. Does he watch on Tv?
  3. Mary can't speak German
  4. He wears a suit to work everyday
  5. What time do they get up ?

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