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a. can't recycle – most plastic carrier bags
b. throw away – 10,000 mobile phones/every three months
C. can extract - gold from game consoles
d. collect - 66% of paper and card/last year
e. recycle – 70% of cans/already
f. must dispose of/carefully - light bulbs
g. recycle - more products/in the future
Bonjour quelqu un pourrait m'aider svp.

A Cant Recycle Most Plastic Carrier Bagsb Throw Away 10000 Mobile Phonesevery Three MonthsC Can Extract Gold From Game Consolesd Collect 66 Of Paper And Cardlas class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. can't recycle – most plastic carrier bags

most plastic carrier bags can't be recycled.

b. throw away – 10,000 mobile phones/every three months

10,000 mobile phones are thrown away every three months.

C. can extract - gold from game consoles

gold can be extracted from game consoles.

d. collect - 66% of paper and card/last year

66% of paper and cards were collected last year.

e. recycle – 70% of cans/already

70% of cans have already been recycled.

f. must dispose of/carefully - light bulbs

light bulbs must be disposed of carefully.

g. recycle - more products/in the future

more products will be recycled in the future.


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