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Ecrivez 3 phrases en utilisant may ou must faire des suggestions sur la vie de W. Shakespeare.
merci de votre aide ​

Sagot :

Réponse : William Shakespear must have lives a very happy life with writing all these plays which got played in theaters.

Explications :

bon ça sen ai une déja

Réponse :suggestions sur Williams

William Shakespeare was a great writter; he was born in 1564 in England. His father was called John and his mother Mary Arden . William grow up in a modest familly. As a boy he was calm and never shared his brother ' s games. At school he was brilliant , but his father asked him to left school and become a farmer. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, which was ten years older than him . They had four childrens. Two of them died very younger. In 1586 he went to London and work in a theatre, and he wrote all his playes between 1590 and 1610. Shakespeare ' s most famous books is : ' Romeo and Juliet ' , ' Hamlet ' and ' Macbeth ' . He died in 1616.

Les phrases

They must learn English

They may take a photograph

Explications :


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