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Besoin d’aide vite merci

What type of document is it?
What do you see? characters - objects - place - activity (give details)
What are the characters' feelings? (They look...)
What happened? (the woman has just...)
​Why did she do that? Imagine
What is the problem of TV? The possible danger(s)?
Imagine what the woman wants/prefers... (to change) : min 3 phrases/idées:
She would prefer/wants... She would like him to...

Besoin Daide Vite Merci What Type Of Document Is It What Do You See Characters Objects Place Activity Give Details What Are The Characters Feelings They Look Wh class=

Sagot :


1)It's a drawing in white and black

2)We can see a man sitting on a sofa watching a woman standing in front of him with a baseball bat, at the woman's right there's a broken tv.

3) The man looks frightened because his eyes are getting bigger and he has no expressions at all , the woman seems to not have any feelings .

4)the woman has just broke the tv .

5) she maybe did that because he has done something bad .

6) TV takes all our time and in most cases it doesn't help us to learn good things. Watching too much tv can lead us to lose a lot of time moreover it can lead to have many health problems such as myopia .

7) The woman would like that this man wouldn't pass the whole journey doing nothing and specially watching tv . She would rather that this men would be productive and be useful.