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bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider à mon devoir en anglais svp ​

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider À Mon Devoir En Anglais Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :  Hello to all my followers ! I have some bad news for the ones that like me, for the rest of you, no need to read this. I have decided to delete this account, before you get mad at me, let me explain you my reasons. I haven't been feeling so good lately, and I'm getting tired of having to post something on a regular basis... So, i decided to give up, some of you may call me a coward, but i just need to take some time off social media right now... But, I wanted to thank you all for all the great moments I spend with you guys, it was really cool, and you helped me a lot deal with my own problems, but, now, I just think i need some me-time, you know ? So goodbye everyone, and thank you SO much !!