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Bonjour j'ai besoin de votre aide en anglais svp. Je dois répondre aux questions à l'aide d'un texte, mais je n'y arrive pas. Je vous remercie par avance :)

1°) Match the words on the left to the definitions on the right.

1- in orbit a- a large model of a human.
2- lift off b- a small rocket engine on a spacecraft, used to make
changes in its flight path.

3- crew c- the group of people who work together on a spacecraft

4- a capsule d- the part of a spacecraft in which the people on it live
5- a thruster e- to land in the sea
6- splash down f- to leave the ground
7- a dummy g- travelling around a planet, star, etc...

2°) Guess the answers to the questions below and then read the text to check or correct them.

1°) When was the last time America's space agency (NASA) put humans into space ?

a- 2015 b- 2011 c- 2004

2°) Which country has been providing space transport to NASA since it stopped producing shuttles ?

a- Russia b- China c- the United Kingdom

3°) How long did the capsule take to reach orbit ?

a- 11 minutes b- 33 minutes c- 54 minutes

4°) How long has Elon Musk worked on this project ?

a- 5 years b- 9 years c- 17 years

5°) When is the capsule planned to splash down ?

a- Friday 8 March b- Friday 22 March c- Sunday 31 March

3°) Checking understanding : Answer the questions.

a- How has NASA changed since 2011 ?
b- What are the advantages of paying SpaceX to design and build space capsules ?
c- What is the purpose of the "test dummy" ?
d- What is Musk's long-team aim ?
e-What are the features of the Dragon capsule ?
f- How will the Dragon reach the ISS after it enters space ?

4°) Find words in the text which mean

a- vehicles used for transporting people in space (plural noun) :
b- clothes worn by a person who travels in space (noun) :
c- honest (adjective) :
d- someone who starts their own business (noun) :

5°) Match the words to form phrases from the text and create your own sentence for each phrase.

1- take people a- a capsule
2- collect b- after a character
3- named c- data
4- make d- into space
5- fire e- its own way to...
6- launch f- its thrusters

6°) Talking point : Would you like to travel into space ? Why/why not ?

Bonjour Jai Besoin De Votre Aide En Anglais Svp Je Dois Répondre Aux Questions À Laide Dun Texte Mais Je Ny Arrive Pas Je Vous Remercie Par Avance 1 Match The W class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour, désolé mais il manque la 3ème et dernière partie

1) 1. g)

  2. f)

  3. c)

  4. d)

  5.  b)

  6. e)

  7. a)

2) 1. b)


    3. a)

    4. c)

    5. a)

4) a : shuttles

   b: spacesuit

   c : frank

   d :  entrepreneur

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