Explorez une multitude de sujets et trouvez des réponses fiables sur Zoofast.fr. Obtenez les informations dont vous avez besoin de la part de notre communauté d'experts qui fournissent des réponses précises et complètes à toutes vos questions.

2. Ces questions sont compréhensibles mais
incorrectes. Récrivez-les correctement.
1. What time they expected you go to bed?
2. They want I change my mind?
3. Where you want she meets you?
4. She wants we come back home earlier?
5. He'd like I come with him?
6. Why he wanted she waited for him?
7. You want he comes to see you?
8. When you'd like they lend you their flat?

Merci merci :))​

Sagot :


What time are they expecting you to go to bed?

Do they want me to change my mind?

where do you want her to meet you?

Does she want us to come back home earlier?

would he like me to come with him?

why did he want her to wait for him?

Do you want him to come to see you?

When would you like them to lend you their flat?