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Bonjour , j'ai un enregistrement vocal en anglais a faire , qui va duree a peut pres entre 1.30min et 2.30 min est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider a rediger un text svp
la consigne est :(Tu est un journaliste qui a effectué des recherches sur les Indiens d'amérique ,- aujourd'hui tu partage tes informations avec les auditeurs sur ta chaine radio. Tu parleras de l'histoire des indiens et de leur vie aujourd'hui.)

Sagot :

The Amerindians are the first occupants of the American continent and their descendants. In 1492, explorer Christopher Columbus believed he had reached the East Indies when he had just landed in America, in the West Indies. Because of this error, we continue to use the word "Indians" to refer to the populations of the New World.

The arrival of Europeans in North America from the sixteenth century had important consequences for the Amerindians: their number collapsed because of disease, wars and ill-treatment. Their way of life and their culture underwent changes. With the advance of the Frontier and the colonization of the American whites, they lost the majority of their territory, were forced to integrate reserves.

j'èspere t'avoir aidé!!!