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bonsoir pouvez m aider svp c est pour demain merci. bonne soirée à vous
Un soir, avant de fuir, la famille Lutz a entendu un grand cri.
Décris ce qu'ils étaient en train de faire à ce moment-là, en mettant
les verbes au prétérit en be + V-ing.
When the ghost screamed, ...
a. George (cook - dinner). b. his wife (read - the newspaper).
c. the children (play - on the computer). d. the cat (run - after a
mouse). e. the dog (sleep).​

Sagot :




a) George was cooking the dinner

b) his wife was reading the newspaper

c) the children were playing on the computer

d) the cat was running after a mouse

e) the dog was sleeping


George was cooking dinner

His wife was reading the newspaper

the children were playing on the computer

the cat was running after a mouse

the dog was sleeping

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