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3) Poser des questions commençant par how pour obtenir ces réponses .

a) We got to Littleton for Thanksgiving every other year .

b) We stay there for two weeks .

c) Mrs Keyes lives three miles from our hotel .

d) She is 102 years old .

e) She has fourteen grandchildren .

Sagot :



Réponse :

a) We go to Littleton for Thanksgiving every other year .

How often do you go to Littleton for Thanksgiving?

b) We stay there for two weeks .

How long do you stay there?

c) Mrs Keyes lives three miles from our hotel .

How far does Mrs Keyes live from your hotel?

d) She is 102 years old .

How old is she?

e) She has fourteen grandchildren .

How many grandchildren does she have?

; )



a- How often do you go to Littleton for Thanksgiving ? la fréquence

b- How long do you stay there ? la durée

c- How far does Mrs Keyes live from our hotel ? la distance

d- How old is she ? l'âge

e- How many grandchildren does she have ? la quantité avec un nom dénombrable (pluriel) How much + indénombrable => How much money...


Bon week end de Pâques ☺☺☺

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