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Ex anglais voir photos
A) Underline the correct one
1) I lost - have lost my wallet. I cannot find it
anywhere. I looked - have looked at the
bedroom but it wasn't there.
2) I didn't sell - haven't sold my car. I decided -
have decided to keep it.
3) Didn't you finish - haven't you finished your
work yet?
4) They went - have gone to New York. They must
be having great time. Last semester I was -
have been there and I had - have had
wonderful time.
5) Selma lived - has lived in Qatar for two years.
Last month she moved - has moved to Barcelona.
6) I was - have been born in Sydney but I lived -
have lived in Canberra,
7) "Did she help - has he helped you
with your Spanish exam?"
"No, he didn't - hasn't. He is busy."
8) My father was
has been very
busy recently
2) We bought - have bought a new
house. It has got a very large garders
10) She was has been a teacher
she was has been 21 (voir photos) merci de votre aide cordialement

Ex Anglais Voir Photos A Underline The Correct One 1 I Lost Have Lost My Wallet I Cannot Find It Anywhere I Looked Have Looked At The Bedroom But It Wasnt Ther class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

A) Underline the correct one

1) I lost – have lost my wallet. I cannot find it

anywhere. I looked – have looked at the

bedroom but it wasn’t there.

2) I didn’t sell – haven’t sold my car. I decided –

have decided to keep it.

3) Didn’t you finish – haven’t you finished your

work yet?

4) They went – have gone to New York. They must

be having great time. Last semester I was –

have been there and I had – have had

wonderful time.

5) Selma lived – has lived in Qatar for two years.

Last month she moved – has moved to Barcelona.

6) I was – have been born in Sydney but I lived –

have lived in Canberra.

7) “Did she help – has he helped you

with your Spanish exam?”

“No, he didn’t – hasn’t. He is busy.”

8) My father was – has been very

busy recently.

9) We bought – have bought a new

house. It has got a very large garden.

10) She was – has been a teacher

when she was – has been 21.

Explications :

1) Have lost – looked

2) Haven’t sold – decided

3) Haven’t you finished

4) Have gone – was – had

5) Has lived – moved

6) Was – have lived

7) Has she helped – hasn’t

8) Has been

9) Have bought

10)Was – was

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