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Bjr besoin d aide pour mes exo svp merci

Bjr Besoin D Aide Pour Mes Exo Svp Merci class=

Sagot :

Réponse :


a. Tom is preparing his costume and the teachers are checking everything is okay on stage.

b. John and Betsy are choosing their accessories, but Laura is not putting on her costume! She is sleeping!

c. What are Luisa and Josh doing? Oh no! They are running in the corridors with their costumes on!


a. Once upon a time, there was a sad vampire who lived in a very old manor.

b. One day, he was watching television when he hard a strange noise in the corridor.

c. The vampire started to shake because he wasn't brave.

d. When he opened the door to the corridor, he saw a lot of ghosts.

e. In the corridor, the ghosts were dancing with a lot of funny monsters.

f. When the vampire saw the ghosts, he started to dance too.

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