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Bonsoir pouvez vous m aider pour ces quetions STP
1. Read the situations and write sentences.

a- You went to Sue’s house, but she wasn’t there. (She / go / out)
b- You went back to your hometown after many years. It wasn’t the same. (It / change / a lot)
c- I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn’t come. (She / arrange / to do something else)
d- You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late. (The film / begin)
e- It was nice to see Dan again after such a long time. (I / not see / him for 5 years)
f- I offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn’t hungry. (She / just have / lunch)

2. For each situation write a sentence using the verbs between brackets.

a- The man sitting next to you on the plane was very nervous. It was his first flight. (Fly)
b- A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger to me. (See)
c- Sam played tennis yesterday. He wasn’t very good at it because it was his first game. (Play)
d- Last year we went to Denmark. It was our first time there. (Be)

Sagot :


Réponse :

a She went out

b It has changed a lot

c She arranged to do something else

d The film had began

e I hadn't seen him for 5 years

f She just had lunch

a- You told him flying wasn't scary and he had nothing to worry about

b- She saw me but left briefly after

A- You went to sues house but she wasn’t there . She probably went out .
B- You went back to your hometown after many years . it wasn’t the same , it changed a lot .
C - I invited Rachel to the party , but she couldn’t come , she arranged to do something else with other friends .
D- You went to the cinema last night : You got to the cinema late , the film already begun .
E- it was so nice to see Dan again after such a long time . I did not see him for 5 years !
F - i offered Sue something to eat , but she wasn’t hungry . She just had lunch .