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Bonjour pouvez vous me fabriquer des phrase avec ses mot dans la phrase . Merci ​

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Me Fabriquer Des Phrase Avec Ses Mot Dans La Phrase Merci class=

Sagot :


This morning, I have an appointment.

Last night, I had a sleepover with my best friend.

Last year, I moved to the USA.

Yesterday, I got an A in french.

Réponse :

- I adopted my dog last year.

- Last month, I was supposed to go to summer camp.

- My aunt came to visit us 2 weeks ago

- My birthday was last week.

- She was sick 2 days ago.

- Yesterday, my friend came over to my house.

- The teacher called my parents last night.

- I wasn't feeling good this morning, so I stayed home.

- I saw a kitten 5 minutes ago

Explications :

J'espere que ça t'a aidé!

Bonne soirée