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Merci d’avances
Réponds aux question suivantes à l'aide de may, might ou must. Justifie ta réponse.
e.g. Why do some celebrities use Twitter so much?
→ They must want to talk directly with fans./ They might enjoy the attention.
1. Do you think there will ever be another Harry Potter book?
2. Do you think the Tower of London is haunted?
3. The writer R. L. Stine writes a new book every month. Do you know why?
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Merci Davances Réponds Aux Question Suivantes À Laide De May Might Ou Must Justifie Ta Réponse Eg Why Do Some Celebrities Use Twitter So Much They Must Want To class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. Yes , there may be another Harry Potter book . If that is the case i must be the first one to read it

2. No, even people say it might be a possibility i do not think so

3.  Maybe because they must love writing books , they feel conmfortable while doing it and may also feel joy by writing it .

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