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hent proche :
dire à qui appar
(Tom's neighbourhood)
f. The phone is .... (my phone)
ment éloigné:
WB5 p.34
Précis fiche 45
Tommy is ...
Dan a mis un nouveau post sur son blog. Complète le script de
sa vidéo avec les possessifs qui conviennent.
We live on a nice street.... (a) neighbours are really friendly.
. (b) house is nice too, but... (C) is a bit bigger.... (d) son,
(e) age so we often play together. ... (f) bedroom
has ...
(9) own video game system and ... (h) comic book
collection is good! But ... (i) is great!
I never play with ...
(i) sister. She's young and plays with ...
dolls all the time!
Well, that's it for today. Remember to check ... (I) Facebook wall
and watch for new posts on ... (m) blog!
Can't wait to read ... (n) too.

Sagot :

Bonjour :)

Réponse en explications étape par étape :

- Question : Complète le script de  sa vidéo avec les possessifs qui conviennent :

- We live on a nice street, ours neighbours are really friendly.

- House is nice too, but ours is a bit bigger than the son's house.

- His bedroom  has his  own video game system and his comic book  collection is good ! But mine is great!

- I never play with my sister. She's young and plays with her dolls all the time !

- Well, that's it for today. Remember to check your Facebook wall  and watch for new posts on my blog !

- Can't wait to read their too.
