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Complète les phrases avec who, where ou which.
a. He was killed by the man ...
wanted his money.
b. This is the gun with ... the man was murdered.
c. This is the house ... the victim was found.
d. This is the garage ... a suitcase with $250 000 was found.
e. This is the man ... broke into Sir Linton Hue's castle last week.
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Sagot :

Complète les phrases avec who, where ou which.

a. He was killed by the man who wanted his money.

b. This is the gun with which the man was murdered.

c. This is the house where the victim was found.

d. This is the garage where a suitcase with $250 000 was found.

e. This is the man who broke into Sir Linton Hue's castle last week.

Réponse :

a. He was killed by the man who

wanted his money.

b. This is the gun with which the man was murdered.

c. This is the house where the victim was found.

d. This is the garage where a suitcase with $250 000 was found.

e. This is the man who broke into Sir Linton Hue's castle last week.

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