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1) Summarize the message in 3 lines.

2) Read this speech and find the following elements : -Répétition

3) -Enumeration

4) -Comparaison


6) -Anaphora (repetition of a word at the beginning of several sentences / lines)

7) -Shocking words

8) -Apostrophe (when the speaker directly talks to the audience)

9) -References

10) Did he convince you ? Why ?


1 Summarize The Message In 3 Lines 2 Read This Speech And Find The Following Elements Répétition 3 Enumeration 4 Comparaison 5Métaphore 6 Anaphora Repetition Of class=

Sagot :

1) This message is about the life of Black Americans in the year of 1963.
It’s an extract of the speech of Martin Luther King.

2)I have a dream

3) still not free, still crippled, still languished.

4)....on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material property...

5)in the corners of American society

6)years later

7)millions of negro slaves

8)we hold these truths to be self evident , that all men are created equal

9)extract of the “I have a dream “ speech of Martin Luther King

10)He did convince me but he would be sad with what is going on today in America and the whole world.
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