Obtenez des conseils d'experts et des connaissances communautaires sur Zoofast.fr. Posez n'importe quelle question et recevez des réponses détaillées et précises de la part de notre communauté d'experts.

60.4 Insérez my/our/your/his/her/their/its dans les phrases.
1 Do you like ... your .... job?
2 I know Mr Watson, but I don't know
3 Alice and Tom live in London.
son lives in Australia.
4 We're going to have a party. We're going to invite all
5 Anna is going out with
friends this evening.
6 I like tennis. It's
favourite sport.
7 'Is that
car?' 'No, I haven't got a car.'
8 I want to phone Maria. Do you know phone number?
9 Do
think most people are happy in jobs?
10 I'm going to wash
hair before I go out.
11 This is a beautiful tree.
leaves are a beautiful colour.
12 John has a brother and a sister.
brother is 25, and
sister is 21.

Sagot :

2) his
3) their
4) our
5) her
6) my
7) your
8) her
10) my
11) its
12) his