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Complete with the correct verb form.
1. If rich countries (be / not) so greedy, the
situation (be) much better.
2. If she (work) for Guyana's Environmental
Protection Agency, she (feel) a lot more
3. If we (have) more wisdom, we (keep) more
forests, like Guyana.
4. If you (save) money, you (be able) to travel to
the Caribbean

The conditional and past conditional
* conditional: It's possible if...
if... + simple past, ... would + BV
* past conditional: impossible unless you change
the past
if... + HAD + V-en, ... would + HAVE + V-en
If p. 296

Sagot :


1. If rich countries wasn’t so greedy, the situation is much better

2. If she works for Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency, she feels a lot more involved

3. If we have more wisdom, we keep more forests, like Guyana.

4. If you save money, you will be able to travel to the Caribbean

Voilà j’espère que cela a pu t’aider