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Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide pour un exercice sur la voix passive merci d'avance
Ex. 2 Put the following sentences into the passive.

The sales representatives will promote the new product to all our clients.
The health authorities have approved the new vaccine for use in people.
The team is carrying out market research to identify clients.
Venetians introduced coffee into Europe in the seventeenth century.

Sagot :




            Be ( au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé

The sales representatives will promote the new product to all our clients.

Pharse au futur , on met donc "be" au futur ==>

The new products will be promoted ( by the sales representatives) to all our clients.

The health authorities have approved the new vaccine for use in people.

Phrase au présent perfect, on met donc "be" au présent perfect ==>

The new vaccine have been approved for use in people by the health authorities.

The team is carrying out market research to identify clients.

Pharse au présent progressif ( be + ing ), on met donc "be" au présent progressif ==>

Market research is being carried ( by the team ) to identify clients.

Venetians introduced coffee into Europe in the seventeenth century.

Phrase au prétérit, on met donc "be" au prétérit ==>

Coffe was introduced into Europe by Venitians in the 17th century.

Explications :

Le complément d'agent introduit par "by" est souvent sous-entendu.

; )

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