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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez en anaglais et me faire mon exercice entier
Passive voice
1. the teacher teaches English every day
2. Mum and dad give us toys every Christmas
3.the janitor cleans the classrooms every day
4.we hold a pelling competition every Friday morning in school
5.the cinema shows an old movie in the theatre every sunday night
6.the butcher shop sells meat and fish
7. People play badminton and tennis on the racket courts
Merci d'avance à ce qui me le feront ✨​

Sagot :


Réponse :


pouvez vous m'aider et me faire mon exercice entier

Et bien oui !

Mais essaie de comprendre coomment se forme le passif ( pour y arriver seul )


              Be ( au temps de la forme active ) +participe passé

( participe passé verbes réguliers : tu ajoutes "ed"

                           verbes irréguliers: apprendre par coeur )

Toutes les phrases de tto exercice sont au présent simple , donc tu auras:

                 am/are/is   + participe passé


1. the teacher teaches English every day .

English is taught ( by the teacher ) every day.

2. Mum and dad give us toys every Christmas.

Toys are given to us by Mum and Dad every Christmas.

3.the janitor cleans the classrooms every day.

The classrooms are cleaned by the janitor every day.

4.we hold a pelling competition every Friday morning in school.

A pelling competition is held ( by us ) every Friday morning in school.

5.the cinema shows an old movie in the theatre every sunday night.

An old movie is shown in the theatre every Sunday night.

6.the butcher shop sells meat and fish

Meat and fish are sold at the butcher shop.

7. People play badminton and tennis on the racket courts

Badminton and tennis are played on the racket courts.

Explications :

Le compléments d'agent ( introduit par "by" ) n'est pas toujours exprimé car il est sous entendu, donc pas indispensable.

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