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Bonjour est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider avec cette question. je ne suis pas tres bon en anglais

quelqu'un peut-il me donner sa réponse à cette question
merciii beaucoup

Imagine you had a machine that can fulfill all of your desiresIf you could eliminate one problem in the world, what would it be? Why?​

Sagot :




because there is looot of personne who are poor and have to sleep outside like now with all of World's problem(coronaviruse, cold,...)


If I had the chance to have a machine that will fulfill all my desire by eliminating one problem in the world, it would be racism and intolerance. Indeed, we can experience racism every where in the world, and it's a tremendous set back, because we never go forward but instead backward. History showed us all the terrible outcome with slavery, Nazism, fascism and more.

millions of people died and still dying because it's a disease, a virus. So, in my opinion, getting rid of that, would be amazing and beautiful.

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