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The Stolen Generation . Between 1910-1970 , many. Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families.They became known as the Stolen Generation . The removal of indigenous children from their families was part of the policy of Assimilation based on the assumption of black inferiority and white superiority , which proposed that that indigenous people should be allowed to « die out » through a process of natural elimination . Children taken from their parents were names were often changes, and they were forbidden to speak their traditional languages. Some children were adopted by white families, and many were placed in institutions . When Kevin Rudd came to powering 2007 , he promised to deliver a national apology to the Stolen Generations. This promise was fulfilled on February 13, 2008 .

1.What were the Stolen Generations ?
2. How were the children forced to forget their heritage ?
3. What has the gouvernment done about it ?

Sagot :

The stolen generation is children’s removed by force from their family
Children’s names got often changed and they were forbidden to speak their traditional languages
They delivered a national apology to the stolen generation at February 13,2008
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