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Bjr help me svp , tt question , merci

Bjr Help Me Svp Tt Question Merci class=

Sagot :

We can see a "fat" man sitting on a pink chair, watching a computer on a desk. He is doing something on it while her woman( i suppose) is waiting for his attention.
The man seems shocked, scared.

I think the document is about the addiction to the screen and it adverse effects.

" a human fault"
Because the human created a divice that can distroying them.

This cartoon illustrate a negative aspect of the progress because it shows that we can be addicted to the electronics devices so that we can’t live without them anymore. We are much more on our PC, on our phone that some people are just sitting somewhere, surfing on the internet or playing on a videogame.
Some children don’t go outside to do sports or to play with their friends in the REAL life anymore.