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hello my name is michael i am a pirate looking for a desert island i am the captain of my ship i have a small height and a medium red beard i wear an eye patch on my right eye a knife on my right hand and a hook on my left hand. I also have a wooden leg instead of my leg. I am wearing a green and red sweater and blue pants


Sagot :

hello my name is michael i was a pirate who was looking for a desert island i was the captain of my ship i had a small weight and a medium red baerd i wore an eye patch on my right eye a knife on my right hand and a hook on my left hand. I also had a wooden leg instead of my leg. I was wearing a green and red sweater and blue pants


hello,my name is Michael ,I am a pirate looking for desert

island .I am the captain of my ship ,I have a small height and a medium red beard and I wear an eye patch on my right and eye a knife on my right hand...

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