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Bonjour Pouvez-vous m'aider à réaliser mon devoir d'anglais merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui m'aide bonne après-midi​

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider À Réaliser Mon Devoir Danglais Merci Beaucoup À Tous Ceux Qui Maide Bonne Aprèsmidi class=

Sagot :


1.Maria work for a TV station.

2.At the moment she is travelling.

3.Dan loves wilds animals.

4.He is not visiting Alaska at the moment.

5.Marta is not living in Africa.

6.She is staying in Africa at the moment.

7.Dad usually cooks diner.

8.My parents go to Italy every year.

9.My sister walks to School every day.

10. We are having lunch now.

11. I never stay in on saturday evening.

12.I am going to the cinema now.

13.My mum is not working today.


15.He is listening to pop music at the moment.

16.Donna usually go shopping on Saturdays.

17.It is not raining now.

18.Everybody is waiting for you!

19.The sun is rising in the east.

20.Water boil at 100 degrees.

21.The moon go round the earth.

voilà voilà j'espère que j'y ai bien fait :)