
Explorez une multitude de sujets et trouvez des réponses fiables sur Rejoignez notre plateforme de questions-réponses pour accéder à des réponses fiables et détaillées de la part d'experts dans divers domaines.

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 We went to some brilliant ...... (brilliant / terrible)
street markets and I bought lots of presents for my
2 We visited lots of ................. (funny / interesting)
places, so I learned a lot about the city.
3 When we explored the area around the castle, it was
...... (wonderful / tiring) because we had to
climb a big hill.
4 We didn't enjoy the museum much - we all thought
it was .................... (excellent / boring).
5 We went on a boat trip and saw some whales! It was
(exciting / tiring).
6 One...... (funny / terrible) thing happened
when we were standing in the famous square: a bird
flew down and sat on my dad's head!
7. We had a really ...... (OK / amazing) time at
the lake. We learned how to sail in one day!

Quelqu’un peut m’aider svppp

Sagot :

1/ brilliant
2/ interesting
3/ tiring
4/ boring
5/ exciting
6/ funny
7/ amazing

Voilà pour toi!!

Bonjour :)

Réponse en explications étape par étape :

- Question : Choose the correct words to complete the sentences :

1. We went to some brilliant (brilliant / terrible) street markets and I bought lots of presents for my family.

2. We visited lots of interesting (funny / interesting) places, so I learned a lot about the city.

3. When we explored the area around the castle, it was tiring (wonderful / tiring) because we had to climb a big hill.

4. We didn't enjoy the museum much - we all thought it was boring (excellent / boring).

5. We went on a boat trip and saw some whales ! It was so exciting (exciting / tiring).

6. One funny (funny / terrible) thing happened when we were standing in the famous square : a bird flew down and sat on my dad's head !

7. We had a really amazing (OK / amazing) time at the lake. We learned how to sail in one day !


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