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pouvez-vous m'aider svp?
write a personal letter to someone who is addicted to the mobile phone to give him some solutions to stop the addiction.​

Sagot :


HI!...... I'ts me,........ I heard that you were addicted to your phone but that's not a problem. First, you can put your phone in silence mode to stop thinking about it. You can also fi d an activity with your friends to spend less time on your phone. Read books or draw! If you want we can even hang out together! There are a lot of things to do outside! You can do some sport, or ride a bike and even go to the swimming pool.

Cheer up!(courage) you can do it! Always remember that me and all your friends are with you! You are very strong so I know that you can do it!

Xoxo your best friend (ou peut importe comment tu te places par rapport à la personne).....

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