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Bonjour j’ai un devoir en anglais et je dois présenter un personnage fantastique pourriez-vous m’aider

Sagot :


Cthulhu is therefore the name of a fictional monster created by author H. P. Lovecraft. The creature is described as a combination of an octopus, a dragon and a human being, and just observing it would drive anyone to madness. Cthulhu is an ancient being from another dimension. He has the power to appear in the dreams of those with whom he wants to communicate and he sleeps at the bottom of the ocean, waiting to be awakened and released on land, unsuspecting.

Cthulhu is actually a titanic alien who slumbers in the inhuman sunken city of R'lyeh, located in the South Pacific

Cthulhu is revered as a God by devious humans and aquatic beings who worship him immemorial through antediluvian sculptures. These reproduce its vaguely humanoid shape complete with a cuttlefish head, octopus tentacles and dragon-like wings.

exemple de présentation de personnage fantastique. j'espére que c'est bon

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