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bonjour pouvez m'aider en anglais svp j'ai trouvé juste son nom mais le reste j'arrive pas pouvez m'aider svp c'est pour demain​

Bonjour Pouvez Maider En Anglais Svp Jai Trouvé Juste Son Nom Mais Le Reste Jarrive Pas Pouvez Maider Svp Cest Pour Demain class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

Age: 57 years old

Date of birth: 9juin 1963

Place of birth : United states

Nationality: American

Job : jesais pas expliquer en anglais mais sont travail c'est dans une série de télévision

Family: Amber Heard wife and Lily Rose deep, jack john christopher children

Réponse :

Name: John Christopher Depp II

Age: he is 57 years old

Date of birth: June 9th, 1963

Place of birth : Oxensboro, Kentucky, United States

Nationality : American

Job: Johnny Depp, is an american actor and muscisan  

Family :  Amber Heard is his wife, lily rose depp is his daughter and john christopher depp III is his son.

School, university:

After his parents divorcing, he dropped out of Miramar high school. He then decided as a result to become a musician, two weeks later he tried going back to school but his principal convinced him to follow his dreams  

Main successes(films, series, competitions, songs, discoveries, awards...):

He is mostly know for the movie series : ''Pirates of the Caribbean '' and ''Fantastic beasts and where to find them'' as well as willy wonka's character in ''Charli and the chocolate factory'' , he won many awards.


Influence, charity work:

he donated a generous amount of money to the '' acting fund of america )

Other information:

Parents divorced when he was 15


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