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Pouvez-vous me faire les 2exos d’anglais svp merci d’avance

2- Verbes modaux.
1-Of course I'm certain! He
be on the train now! (obligation)
2-She is honest. She
have stolen this car! (impossibilité)
drive so fast! It's dangerous. (conseil)
park here! It's forbidden. (interdiction)
5-She says she come tomorrow but nothing is sure. (probabilité)
obey their parents or there's no real education and respect. (obligation)
7-Did you know he
be invited? (conditionnel)

1-Hurry up! We have very
2-Can you lend me $10? I don't have money.
3-We could park very easily, there very
4-I can't remember all this! There are
things to learn.
5-He works
that he is really tired.
times do I have to tell you to wash your hands before lunch?
7-He is so furious at the moment that he has
patience with the children.

Sagot :

Réponse :


1- He must be on the train now

2- She can't have stolen this car

3- You shouldn't drive so fast

4- they must not park here

5- She says she may come ...

6- Children must obey ...

7- Did you know he would be invited ?


1- very little time

2- I don't have enough money

3- few cars

4- There are a lot of things ...

5-He works so much that ...

6- How many time ...

7- That he has any patience ou That he has no patience

Explications :