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Bonjour pourriez vous m'aidez pour cette exercice j'ai du mal à le faire?
Exercice 3- Employer le présent progressif ou
le présent simple dans les phrases suivantes :
1. We sometimes (go) to the beach on the
2. Look! I can see Anna. She (get off) the bus and
(walk in) the grocery shop.
3. Can you say that again? I listen to you but I
(not understand) you.
4. What's the matter? Dipper (look) awful.
5. What they (do)? They (look at) the dolphins that
(play) together.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. We sometimes go to the beach on the weekend.

2. Look! I can see Anna. She gets off the bus and walks in the grocery shop.

3.Can you say that again ? I listen to you but I do not understand you.

4. What's the matter ? Dipper looks awful.

5. What are they doing ? They are looking at the dolphins that play together.

Explications :

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