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Préparer un texte expliquant le changement climatique et comment le ralentir ( en anglais )

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

comment le ralentir:

1) Let's change our eating habits! ...

   2) Let's reduce our meat consumption! ...

   3) Let's fight against deforestation! ...

   4) Preserve the oceans! ...

   5) Let's consume clean energy! ...

   6) Let's reduce our energy consumption! ...

   7) Let's sort our waste! ...

   8) Let's move on to the circular economy!

le changemant climatique :

From year to year, the temperature of the Earth increases it is global warming. Scientists are sounding the alarm, because human activities produce a very large amount of greenhouse gases, which are very polluting. Following the heatwave of summer 2018, but also the frequency of natural disasters, people are beginning to understand the importance of this phenomenon on our everyday life ...