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6 Complète ces phrases en utilisant will + V,
be + V-ing ou be going to + V.
a. We have planned the trip to Sydney very
carefully: on Monday we ..... (to go) to Taronga
Zoo and on Tuesday we .... (to surf) at Bondi
b. I'm not sure about our next trip, but I think
we .... (to travel) to Oceania, it's a fascinating
c. Look at those clouds, I'm sure that this
afternoon it (to rain).
d. Next month ...... (to hike) in the Blue Mountains
with Jayden.
e. Don't worry, I think you .....(not to meet) any
sharks at Manly beach.​

Sagot :


a: on monday we are going to Torronto and on Tuesday we will go surfing at Brondi

b:I think we will be travelling to Oceania....

c: it is going to rain

d:I will go hiking

e: you are not going to meet

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