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Bonjour j'aurais besoin d'aide en urgence pour cette exercice d'anglais.
Merci d'avance.

1) describe the crime scene using there
+ was / were.
a) a gun next to the body
b) papers everywhere
c) footprints on the floor
d) no sign of broken glass

2)Transform these sentences into the
passive voice
a) The police found a wallet.
b) A murderer killed the victim.
c) The detective didn't find the culprit.​

Bonjour Jaurais Besoin Daide En Urgence Pour Cette Exercice Danglais Merci DavanceHomework1 Describe The Crime Scene Using There Was Werea A Gun Next To The Bod class=

Sagot :






a)There was a gun next to the body.

b)There were papers everywhere.

c)There were footprints on the floor.

d)There was no sign of broken glass.


a)A wallet was found by the police.

b)The victim was killed by a murderer.

c)The culript was not found by the detective.