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Bjr , besoin d’aide c’est pour je comprends pas svp merci d’avance

Bjr Besoin Daide Cest Pour Je Comprends Pas Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1.  We danced yesterday night.

2. I cooked lunch last Monday.

3. You studied french last year.

4. Did you stay here last night?

5. She did not want an ice cream.

6. Did they accept his invitation?

7. The thief attacked me in the park.

8. We planned our holiday two months ago.

9. Marconi didn't discover the penicillin.

10. Did the bus stop here yesterday night?

11. I liked visiting my family in the countryside.

12. He tied his shoelaces very quickly.

13. She didn't try the cake.

14. Did they travel to Honk Kong two months ago?

Explications :