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Bonjour pouvez vous me construire les phrase suivante au présent simple en anglais svp

1)What Dennis (have)?

2) He (have) cornflakes.

3) Where they (go) to the cinema?

4) She (not/play) tennis.

5) What time you (get up) ?

6) I (get up) at 7 a.m every morning.

7) My father (wash) the car at the weekends.

8) Where your mother (do) the shopping?

9) She (do) the shopping at the supermarket.

10) What Dennis (want) for his birthday?
Je suis en 5° et svp n'oublier pas lesphrases interrogative.
C'est noté

Sagot :

1) what does Dennis have ?
2)He has cornflakes.
3)Where do they go to the cinema ?
4)She does not play tennis.
5)What time do you get up ?
6)I get up at ...
7)My father washes ...
8)Where does your mother go shopping?
9)She does the shopping at the supermarket.
10)What does Dennis want for hits birthday?
Voilà j’espère que ça va t’aider