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bonsoir,qui peut l'aider merciii "mon métier préféré est docteur "​

Bonsoirqui Peut Laider Merciii Mon Métier Préféré Est Docteur class=

Sagot :


" I

In my opinion being a doctor is the best job, first of because you can earn enough money. It's interesting and .....

Réponse :

To me Doctor is the best job ever ! My mother is nurse and i'm very inspired by her because while she go to work she save life and help people all the times. That is why i want to become Doctor. I want create a medical office or work to the hospital i don't really know now. I thinks that if i do a job where i help people and i help everyone, i will imporve the world. You don't have to do very very long studies to become Doctor; after 5 years you get your diploma. When you are Doctor you can help, save and cure sick people.

Explications :