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1. She (not work), she (swim) in the river.
2. The blacks (have) a party now; they (celebrate) their son's birthday.
3. Someone (knock) at the door. You (not go) to open it?
I (go) in a minute. I just (get) out of my bath.
4. A women (wave) from the attic. I think she's trapped perhaps the stairs.
(blaze). The firemen (put) up a ladder and one of them ( climb) up to help her. Now the
fireman(come) down. He (carry) a baby. The woman (follow).
5. The children are very quiet. Go and see what they (do) they (draw) on the wall.
6. Why you ( hide) the apples? I (hide) them because my mother-in-low (come) to dinner
and she eats to many apples.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1-She don't work, she swims in the river.

2-The blacks have a party now; they celebrate their son's birthday.

3-Someone knocked at the door. You don't go to open it ?

4-A women waves from the attic. I think she's trapped perhaps the stairs.

Blazes. The firemen puts up a ladder and one of them climbes up to help her. Now the fireman comes down. He carries a baby. The woman follows.

5-The children are very quiet. Go and see what they do they draw on the wall

6-Why you hide the apple ? I hide them because my mother-in-low comes to dinner today and she eats so many apples.

Explications :

Réponse :



1-She don't work, she swims in the river.

2-The blacks have a party now; they celebrate their son's birthday.

3-Someone knocked at the door. You don't go to open it ?

4-A women waves from the attic. I think she's trapped perhaps the stairs.

Blazes. The firemen puts up a ladder and one of them climbes up to help her. Now the fireman comes down. He carries a baby. The woman follows.

5-The children are very quiet. Go and see what they do they draw on the wall

6-Why you hide the apple ? I hide them because my mother-in-low comes to dinner today and she eats so many apples.

Explications :

voilà j'espère t'avoir aidé(e) bonne journée :)

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