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My first trip to New York City
..... summer before my junior year in high school, my family
and I took
trip to
completely new world. We
are from
small town in Texas, so this trip to New York was
like discovering
entirely new way of life. .
plane landed, as we waited for
outside of
airport, it seemed like everyone there was in a hurry
to get to another place. When we got to our hotel in
Square, I noticed that
streets were incredibly busy and
buildings were also ......
incredible sight. We went
Empire State Building and went to
view was awesome. I could even see
Ellis Island.
stores were also large compared to
ones of my
little town.
merci d'avance ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

My first trip to New York City

was the summer before my junior year in high school, my family

and I took  a

trip to

completely new world. We

are from  a

small town in Texas, so this trip to New York was

like discovering  an

entirely new way of life. .

When  the

plane landed, as we waited for  a


outside of  the

airport, it seemed like everyone there was in a hurry

to get to another place. When we got to our hotel in


Square, I noticed that  the

streets were incredibly busy and


buildings were also

incredible sight. We went

to  the

Empire State Building and went to

top  of the


The view was awesome. I could even see

Ellis Island.

The stores were also large compared to the

ones of my

little town.

Explications :

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